Unraveling the Enigma: Exploring the Mythical Origins of the Serpent Dragon

Unraveling the Enigma: Exploring the Mythical Origins of the Serpent Dragon

Unraveling the Enigma: Exploring the Mythical Origins of the Serpent Dragon

Are you wondering why dragons dominate fantasy, pop culture, and myth? These fantastic reptiles are popular in many cultures through books, television, video games, etc. Yet it was not until Game of Thrones that dragons became a dominant part of mythological culture: our ancestors worshipped and feared dragons even in ancient times.

Due to their proximity to serpents, dragons have enjoyed incredible popularity throughout history.

A-The origins of the myth of the snake and dragon

There has always been a close connection between snakes and dragons. Draco is derived from the Latin word Draco and DrĂąkon from Greek. The image of the Draco was used in many Roman emblems. In Greek mythology, the DrĂąkon were gigantic serpents that had the body of a snake and the head of a wolf.

It's likely a snake that comes to mind when you think of a creature that resembles a dragon. Dragons are often depicted with serpentine bodies and elongated necks, which makes them resemblable to snakes. In both cases, the resemblance to snakes is obvious. Snakes are perfect for giving birth to a terrifying imaginary creature: they can sometimes have a frightening face, sharp fangs, and on top of all that, they can be very dangerous.
Fantasy about snakes

Unraveling the Enigma: Exploring the Mythical Origins of the Serpent Dragon

Evolution has hardwired our fear of snakes into our brains, but researchers have also found a strong fear of snakes in some primates, including macaques. Snakes are afraid of you for a very stupid reason: if you are scared of something, you'll be more careful not to approach it. And if she gets too close, you'll run away quickly! This is especially useful when the creature is potentially deadly...

Want to know what it's like to have a snake wrapped around your finger like a Dragon ? Then take a look at our  Snake Rings!

Unraveling the Enigma: Exploring the Mythical Origins of the Serpent Dragon

No wonder snakes inspired terrifying Mythical Creatures like dragons!

B-Western Dragon 

In cultures around the world, dragons are inspired by snakes, but their appearances vary.

Dragon of the West

There are several characteristics that distinguish the Western Dragon from the Eastern Dragon:

Unraveling the Enigma: Exploring the Mythical Origins of the Serpent Dragon

  • It has the shape of a reptile (or even a dinosaur), but it's not necessarily a snake.
  • Dragons with bat-like wings are very common
  • His breath is poisonous and he can breathe fire.
  • With its tail, it can strangle large animals
  • There are four legs on the European dragon. If there are two, it is not a dragon, but a vouivre
  • Its head is usually adorned with horns, sharp fangs, and large claws
  • Scales are impenetrable

Symbolizing Satan or sin in Christian traditions, dragons are powerful, evil, and dangerous creatures. They are associated with fire because they can spit it.

In addition, some of these fantastic reptiles nest in caves and guard valuable treasures or young princesses that they have kidnapped. When hungry, they will kidnap and eat sheep or livestock that wander too close to their lairs. These wonderful reptiles also can devour humans, especially young girls.

There are epic poems from the Middle Ages about warriors, knights, and magicians who fight cruel and ravenous dragons in order to save a princess. The hero in some stories slays the dragon and wins fame, honor, and the hand of his bride. In others he fails and is killed or burned.


Want to know what it's like to have a snake wrapped around your finger like a Dragon ? Then take a look at our  Snake Rings!

Unraveling the Enigma: Exploring the Mythical Origins of the Serpent Dragon

As with the snake, the dragon remains a powerful symbol of betrayal in European culture today. There are many stories about dragons living deep in caves and caverns filled with precious stones, swamps or abandoned castles. Some sleep during the day and get wild at night

C-Knight of Dragon Fight


1-Dragons of the Oriental region

The second major type of dragon is the Oriental Dragon, also known as "Chinese Dragon". Unlike Western dragons, Asian dragons have a long body very similar to snakes. They still have four legs with sharp claws, fangs and powerful tails. The Chinese dragon, however, is a Wingless Dragon even though it can fly.

Unraveling the Enigma: Exploring the Mythical Origins of the Serpent Dragon

Legend has it that dragons live at the bottom of seas, rivers, lakes, or anywhere with water.

2-Dragon in Chinese

Chinese Snake Dragons date back to the 5th millennium BC! Oriental Dragons are powerful and beneficent symbols, always present in Chinese culture. Dragons were once symbols of imperial power and the emperor himself. They also exercise control over aquatic phenomena, for example the occurrence of rain during a drought. Therefore, they are associated with the element of water.

Since dragons are seen as good and bring luck in Asia, they are very different from evil, dangerous, fire-breathing dragons found in most Western stories. Asian dragons represent being lucky, auspicious, powerful, and noble. They are not as monstrous as in Western stories, and can also symbolize longevity. They are, however, powerful entities that can wreak havoc if attacked!

In China today, dragons still play an important role in ceremonies, festivals, astrology, art, names, lucky charms, and bracelets bearing its image, such as this Chinese Dragon Leather Bracelet.

Unraveling the Enigma: Exploring the Mythical Origins of the Serpent Dragon


D-In mythology, dragon serpents are depicted as serpents

Having learned about serpent-shaped dragons, how about we review the most famous and monstrous myth?


It is described in the Bible as a formidable and titanic primordial being. Leviathan ruled over all other creatures of the sea. Although Leviathan's origins and intent are disputed, many agree that he can cause destruction and is dangerous.


Want to know what it's like to have a snake wrapped around your finger like a Dragon ? Then take a look at our  Snake Rings!

Unraveling the Enigma: Exploring the Mythical Origins of the Serpent Dragon

The Leviathan is a monstrous Sea Serpent, one of God's original creations. There were several other creatures of equal power that were created, but Leviathan was known to be the most dangerous of all of them. There are many ways Leviathan is represented, but its most common representation is a gigantic serpent.

2-Serpent of the Basilisk

According to European tales, the Basilisk was a dragon-like being said to originate from the body of the Gorgon Medusa. It was often referred to as the ruler of serpents and believed to possess the power of killing with a single stare. Some accounts also mentioned its ability to inject a lethal poison which could only be cured by a phoenix tear. Its gaze was considered fatal, as once it met your own, you were unable to turn away and your demise was certain... However, with our Basilisk Ring, you need not worry about such an issue.

In Greco-Roman mythology, the Basilisk was a giant serpent, but in the Middle Ages, it was described as a hybrid between a rooster and a snake.

3-Lernaean Hydra 

A giant water serpent-like monster with nine heads (the number varies), one of which was immortal, the Hydra the marshes of Lerna, near the city of Ergos, in Greek mythology.


Unraveling the Enigma: Exploring the Mythical Origins of the Serpent Dragon

Those who attempted to decapitate the Hydra discovered that two heads emerged from the fresh wound as soon as one head was cut off. He regularly emerged from his lair to attack Lerna's inhabitants and livestock. As a result of one of Hercules' 12 labors, he triumphed over the Hydra.

Slavic dragons are similar to hydras, with serpentine bodies and multiple heads.



From Norse mythology, Jörmungand is a giant serpent that dwells in the ocean's depths. The serpent is the largest monster in Scandinavian mythology, and that's no small thing since Norse mythology includes the giant kingdom Jotunheim! As Thor himself fought the serpent, he was unable to kill it.

This snake is named Jörmungand, which means "necklace of earth". It is so large that it can wrap itself around Midgard (Earth, the domain of mortals) and hold the tip of its tail in its mouth like the Ouroboros. Despite its size, its mouth is large enough to swallow a god or a giant...

Unraveling the Enigma: Exploring the Mythical Origins of the Serpent Dragon

According to ancient Greek mythology, Ladon surrounds the trees of the Garden of the Hesperides and guards the golden apples. It has 100 snake heads that each speak a different language on its reptile body. Ladon was entrusted with guarding this mythical tree by the goddess Hera. He is one of the sons of Typhon and Echidna, which explains its disproportionate size.

In his task, Ladon is accompanied by the nymphs of the Hesperides. Although not evil, he is still extremely dangerous, guarding the Hesperides tree from all intruders.

After Ladon's death, Hera had him ascend to heaven as a reward for his loyalty, and he became the constellation of the dragon. 🌌

5-The NÏdhögg

NĂŹdhögg plays a prominent role in Ragnarök: The End of the World. According to the VöluspĂĄ, a significant Scandinavian poem, the serpent-dragon emerges from beneath Yggdrasil during Ragnarök, potentially aiding the giants' cause. Other accounts suggest that NĂŹdhögg's appearance signifies the end of Ragnarök, and he will carry away the fallen warriors' bodies ☠. However, some sources propose that when NĂŹdhögg leaves its roots to walk upon Midgard, this will signal the commencement of Ragnarök...


Its name comes from the Latin Viperae ("Viper"), meaning snake, and its reptile body is topped with two bat-wings. Wyverns have two legs, while dragons have four.

One of the most aggressive dragons of Medieval Europe, the wyvern can breathe fire from its mouth or nostrils and breathe foul, poisonous air onto its victims. Its two legs are capable of destroying a villager's cottage.

Dragons are the fierce guardians of hidden treasures or precious stones in European mythology.


Want to know what it's like to have a snake wrapped around your finger like a Dragon ? Then take a look at our  Snake Rings!

Unraveling the Enigma: Exploring the Mythical Origins of the Serpent Dragon


7-The Python and Apollo programming languages

Python was a serpent-dragon who ruled Delphi's oracle in Greek mythology.

Hera, the wife of Zeus, was furious when she learned of her husband's infidelity, so she ordered Python to chase Leto away, so she wouldn't give birth anywhere the sun shone. Legend has it that the goddess Leto carried the twin gods Artemis and Apollo in her womb.

In addition to being accepted onto the newly formed island of Delos, Leto gave birth to twins. As Apollo grew up, he wanted revenge on the dragon. Python, pursued by Apollo, left Mount Parnassus and went to Delphi. Apollo found Python and killed him, but Zeus said he must atone for his sacrilegious act, so Apollo created the Pythian Games to purify himself.



As a support for the world in Arabic cosmography (the study of cosmic organization), Bahamut (also called Behemoth) is a creature of unimaginable size. According to Hebrew mythology, he is the largest land creature ever created. Currently hiding in the underworld, he is predicted to return on Judgment Day when chaos and destruction are unleashed.

According to Arabic mythology, Bahamut is a half-fish/half-snake being of unimaginable size. Regarding its size, ancient mythology says: "All the waters of the world, if they were placed in one of its nostrils, would be like mustard seeds scattered in the desert.".

There are myths that describe Bahamut having the head of a hippopotamus or an elephant. The Hebrew texts depict it as a titanic Sea Serpent or a red dragon with sharp limbs and teeth.

Unraveling the Enigma: Exploring the Mythical Origins of the Serpent Dragon

E-The Dragon Snake as a Real Animal

1-Is it a dragon snake?

Did you know that there is a real (well, almost) dragon serpent?

In Southeast Asia, the dragon snake or Dragon Snake (Xenodermus javanicus) is a species of non-venomous Colubrid snake found in Indonesia, Myanmar, Brunei, Malaysia and Thailand.

Most Dragon Snakes can be found near water or streams, including forests, marshes, swamps, and rice fields.

In most cases, Semi-Fossorial snakes spend most of their time underground, stalking their prey at night.

Want to know what it's like to have a snake wrapped around your finger like a Dragon ? Then take a look at our  Snake Rings!

Unraveling the Enigma: Exploring the Mythical Origins of the Serpent Dragon

2-Serpent with dragon scales

It is the unusual skin of these snakes that makes them stand out. They have three rows of "keel" scales on the back that resemble the scales of a snake crossed with a crocodile.

Since their scales resemble dragons, it is easy to understand why they are often called dragon snakes.

They also have a strange habit. When touched or picked up, they become stiff, almost like a board.

In captivity, dragon snakes are usually not very successful, and they do not survive very long. There is very little information and breeding advice available, so it is probably best to leave them in the wild.

F-Dragon serpents: a mystery

A Danish zoologist named Johannes T. Reinhardt first described the dragon snakes in 1836. They are grayish in color, have a slightly enlarged head, and an elongated tail.

The dragon snake belongs to the monotypic genus Xenodermus, meaning there is only one species in this genus, and no subspecies are recognized. As a result of their unusual appearance, at least for a snake, the scientific name of the species comes from the Greek words "xeno" meaning strange and "derma" meaning skin.


Want to know what it's like to have a snake wrapped around your finger like a Dragon ? Then take a look at our  Snake Rings!

Unraveling the Enigma: Exploring the Mythical Origins of the Serpent Dragon



G-Animal: Snake Dragon


1-The Dragon Clan

Your passion for dragons explains why you've made it this far! Young adventurers who are passionate about dragons should check out The Dragon Clan store. This store is THE reference in France on the theme of Dragons thanks to its serious and passionate team.

Take your courage in both hands, swallow your potion of courage, and enter the dragon's lair now...

2-Lair of the dragon

The exciting Serpent Dragons, essential creatures of myths and heroic fantasy, come to a close!

According to the culture, dragons were either evil or beneficent beings; however, in recent years, Western dragons have developed a “soft” side. These dragons now have a strong presence in the collective imagination. And this is thanks to (or because of) the publication of numerous works of fiction in which dragons are portrayed as pets just a little larger than average.


Want to know what it's like to have a snake wrapped around your finger like a Dragon ? Then take a look at our  Snake Rings!

Unraveling the Enigma: Exploring the Mythical Origins of the Serpent Dragon


This can be seen in the animated film Dragon or in Game of Thrones with Daenerys Targaryen, the mother of dragons, sitting on her knees with the head of her dragon resting on her shoulders.

At Snake LabelŸ we want to honor these magnificent but often misunderstood reptiles. We want to change the negative view of snakes held by most people. Our passion for these animals shines through in our snake-themed clothing, jewelry and accessories.

Dive into the fascinating world of snakes and explore our other articles now!

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